Why is WordPress ignoring my CSS?

Posted 7 years ago

Some time ago we were working on a really cool project. Seemed easygoing and pleasent. Until things got complicated and we discovered a really troublesome issue of ours.Seemed like WordPress can’t see our awesome CSS code that was supposed to make our project look great! At first we went through all the stages of denial. […]

Category: WordPress

Improve the security of your WordPress site

Posted 7 years ago

Nowadays, WordPress represents 28% of the Internet. This popularity has many good points like having a huge community of developers and designers to turn to if you need help. On the other hand, it makes it very tempting for malicious users to create tools (robots) that search the Internet looking for vulnerable WordPress. Security in […]

Category: WordPress

Making work – easy

Posted 7 years ago

Some time ago we got an idea of creating tons of awesome website templates. Just some design fun and creation madness. Sounds like fun, does it? Sure! But how to test all the websites without hours of time spent to add random texts and stuff to them? Here’s where programming comes to help! Creating a […]

Category: Software

Programmer’s life from newbie’s eyes – 3 months later

Posted 7 years ago

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do   First steps seem to be the hardest, but once you make them – everything gets better. It’s only the matter of will. I’ve spent those 3 months on […]

Category: Careers

Django in a candlelight

Posted 7 years ago

Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. It’s free and open source.   I’ve been working with Django […]

Category: Careers, Software

Voxxed Days Luxembourg 2017

Posted 7 years ago

Expectations It was the first time that we were attending a Voxxed Days conference, my expectations where probably in the right place, I was anticipating it to be well organized and, while not having the same affluence as conferences taking place in bigger cities, I was expecting a well crowded event, especially given the speakers. […]

Category: Conferences

The DevOps that I used to know

Posted 7 years ago

I remember a past sysadmin life, just before the DevOps term became widespread,  when starting a new project would always begin with  a three or more sides conversation. In there there would be at least one developer, a project manager, a sysadmin -hello!-, the DBAs, and sometimes even a network admin. It would not be […]

Category: Devops

Programmer’s life from newbie’s eyes

Posted 7 years ago

“The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one” Have you ever been wondering how the programmer’s life looks like from the inside? I was wondering too – and that’s why I became a programmer myself. I finished my university with an engineer degree. But not the […]

Category: Careers, Software

The IT department anti-pattern

Posted 8 years ago

Running a reliable production IT system should not be exciting, it should be a predictable matter. But Designing them and engineering right solution should be and exciting time. Lets put the adventure back in the right place.   Undoubtedly, one of the most repeated mantras in the industry, and in our opinion, one of the […]

Category: ITIL