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    Logotip de Netdevops

  • WordCamp Seville 2016 sponsorship

    WordCamps are conferences and workshops locally  organized by the WordPress community around the world and focused on everything related to WordPress. Everyone, from casual users to WordPress core developers, participate in this event, share ideas and meet each other.

    At Netdevops we decided to attend and collaborate as sponsors of the WordCamp Seville 2016 which was held on 30th September, 1st and 2nd October at the EOI – Escuela de Organización Industrial. This year there were more than 200 attendees to the event and they were able to participate in 25 talks given by 27 speakers from all over Spain. See the event’s complete program here.

    The workshops were very dynamic, with live examples, advice and recommendations in the different areas of WordPress. We highlight some as:

    If you want more details you can visit the Mauricio Gelves blog, who made a great summary of the WordCamp Sevilla. Thanks to the TresPixels team we shared some of the talks we were able to attend. All of them very interesting and loaded with material adapted to the different profiles of the WordPress Community: back-end, front-end, clients, SEO, etc…

    We had the opportunity to meet Fernando Tellado, a highly respected member of the WordPress community in Spain. Your web ayudawp.com is a valuable source of help and advice for a lot of people who work with WordPress. We got us signed his latest book and just published WordPress: 1001 trucos. Soon we will make a review on it.


    We recommend to all those who start in the WordPress world or who are already part of the community and have never attended a WordCamp before, to not hesitate to attend one. Without a doubt, this is one of the best ways to learn directly from professionals in the WordPress world, do some  networking and spend a few days in good environment and company.

    Without a doubt, this is one of the best ways to learn directly from professionals in the WordPress world, do some  networking and spend a few days in good environment and company.

    Before the end of the year, in Spain they will celebrate the WordCamp Santander (5 and 6 November) and WordCamp Barcelona (2-4 December). Remember that WordCamps are made all over the world, just look for the nearest and live the experience.

    From Netdevops we appreciate the good work of the organizers and the effort of the volunteers that made this event possible. Thanks for this great experience.